Yamada Laboratory


Natural Products Chemistry

Staff(s) Associate Professor. Kosumi YAMADA
Field of research Plant Physiology and Chemistry; Plant Growth Substances
Research topics Functional and structural analysis of plant growth regulators (PGRs) induced by various environmental stresses
Keywords Environmental response; Gravitropism; Phototropism; Phytoalexins; Phytohormones, Plant growth substances; Secondary metabolites
URL https://researchmap.jp/yamadakosumi/?lang=english
TEL 029-853-4623
E-mail yamada.kosumi.gn@u.tsukuba.ac.jp

Research introduction

  • Our laboratory focuses on the structure and role of plant growth regulators induced by various abiotic and biotic stresses. Specifically, we are interested in how plants use secondary metabolites to communicate with neighboring organisms. We are also investigating how plants use phytoalexins to induce phototropic and gravitropic response.
    We are now working to define the following substances:
  • 1) Extracellular plant metabolites associated with allelopathy and recruiting for beneficial microbes
  • 2) Plant growth regulators in response to light- and gravistimulation
  • 3) Signaling molecules in biocontrol microorganism